
The Hostage


In the name of fame and destruction
You recite your dead poetry
In the name of a sacred exposure
You are living anonymously

In the name of a needed acceptance
You are selling youself as a bitch
In the name of a glorious present
You are burning your future indeed

I've got tomorrow
I live it up
I crossed the damn road
I've overcome

In the name of (an) addictive pestilence
You are pitting your death in the scene
In the name of a native instinct
You're unfolding yourself as a beast

In the name of a priceless rising
You're denying aggressively
What's left of the men's conscience
What's left of the men's dreams

I've got tomorrow
I live it up
I crossed the damn road
I've overcome

All dreams are in the storm
(Eternally into this world we're thrown)
All fear ascends your soul
(Eternally into this world we're thrown)

Unreal, illusion
We're the virtual hostage ones

We were
As a child
In love
And the signs
Of new times
Make us feel
In hell

All dreams are in the storm
(Eternally into this world we're thrown)
All fear ascends your soul
(Eternally into this world we're thrown)

Unreal, illusion
We're the virtual hostage ones