Allan Holdsworth

City Nights

Allan Holdsworth

Tom: C

Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 18:23:49 -0800
!From: Judy Letostak 

or (San Diego, CA)
Metal Edge (619)423-4970 24/7 Guitar/Bass/Drum tab, NPD,

This is an instrumental, there are NO lyrics.

This is a challenge for even the experienced guitarist.  Warmup
thoroughly before tackling this piece.  There's TONS of legato
phrasing and lots of wide stretching.  Allan has the smoothest
lead style I've ever heard.  His solo stuff is awesome, so was
his band UK.  Check him out!











                        C'mon everybody STRETCH!!!!!



























Typed up using WordPad (Cencorship is Unconstitutional support
free speech!) Leeched from Guitar World May 1989 (Dave Whitehill)

Metal Edge BBS (619)423-4970  (San Diego, CA  USA)
Over 15,000 Guitar Tabs, Bass tabs, Drum tabs, lessons
MP3s, 0-10 day Warez Running Iniquity *, *, 28.8
Warlock WHQ, RioT Member and Distro...
h = hammeron                          ps = pick scrape
p = pulloff                           % = repeat phrase
~ = vibrato                           *
b = bend                              + natural harmonic
/\ = Slide                            tr = trill
* = Artificial Harmonic               x = ghost note
t = tap note w/right hand             w/bar = with bar