All The Brightness

Beaultiful Massacre

All The Brightness

It’s top of the morning, but
It still feels like yesterday,
I’m peeling the layers,
Only to find it’s just
The Same old skin
with a tone of sin,
Can’t wash it away,
It’s rooted within
All the love we make
Is bottled in place
And held for the ones
Who can pay

Will you follow,
Even for no reason?
Will you swallow,
If you don’t know
What you’re eating?
A Beautiful Massacre,
Word-by-word and one-by-one
You all fall down

Always searching for something more,
Never content or complacent,
There’s always a treasure out there
To be uncovered
But at what price?
Is it worth a life?
If it’s what you believe,
What gives you the right?
All the walls we make,
Built out of hate
That’s nurtured
For Heaven’s sake

Will you follow,
Even for no reason?
Will you swallow,
If you don’t know
What you’re eating?
A Beautiful Massacre,
Word-by-word and one-by-one
You all fall down

It always ends the same

I feel love is all around me,
All around me
Is that impossible?