All That Remains

Deepest Grey

All That Remains

Tom: C

Album: This Darkened Heart
Tabber: Steven Banks [*]
Tuning: Dropped D [D,A,D,G,B,E]

palm mute: ..... (below the measure)
Vibrato: v (below the measure)
hammer on: h (in the measure)
Pull off: p (in the measure)
Slide up: /
Slide down: \
Bend: b

(Starts with a small pick slide)
Guitar One
    .   .....  .....  .....    .   .....  .....
|---0---0-0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0----0---0-0-8--0-0-7-0-0-5-| (x8)
    .   .....  .....  .....    .   ...    ...   ...

Guitar Two (comes in after four times of the above riff^)
    .   .....  .....  .....    .   .....  .....       

|---0---0-0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0----0---0-0-8--0-0-7-0-0-5--| (x4)
    .   .....  .....  .....    .   ...    ...   ...

Chorus One

Guitar One (Strum eigth notes)
|----------------------------------| (x2)

Guitar Two
|0-------8--------0-------10-------| (x2)

Guitar One
    .   .....  .....  .....    .   .....  .....
|---0---0-0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0----0---0-0-8--0-0-7-0-0-5-| (x8)
    .   .....  .....  .....    .   ...    ...   ...

Guitar Two (Again, comes in after four times of the above riff^)
    .   .....  .....  .....    .   .....  .....       

|---0---0-0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0----0---0-0-8--0-0-7-0-0-5--| (x4)
    .   .....  .....  .....    .   ...    ...   ...

Chorus Two

Guitar One (remember, eigth notes)
|----------------------------------| (x3)

Guitar Two
|0-------8--------0-------10-------| (x2)

Guitar Two (after you play above part twice^)
|----------------------------------| (x1)

Guitar One
                              .   .
Guitar Two
                             .   .


Guitar One Part A
    .  .  .  .   .      .  .  .  .   .
    .  .  .  .   .      .   .   ....... 
Part B

    .  .  .  .   .      .  .  .  .   .
|---0--0--0--0---0-|------0--5-3-2-0-| (x1)
    .  .  .  .   .        .  .......

Guitar Two (After you run through Part A once^)
    .  .  .  .  .      .  .  .  .   .
    .  .  .  .  .         .  ........
Pro (right before solo)
Guitar One
  ............        .............       ............ .        
|-0-0-000-0-0-0-----|-0-0--0-0-0--0----0---0----| (x2)
  ............        ..............   .   .
Guitar Two
  .............       .............       .............
|-0-0-000-0-0-0-----|-0-0--0-0-0--0----0---0----| (x2)
  .............       ..............   .   .

Solo Part One (the rhythm strumming is not exact, you'll just have to listen)
Guitar One
|0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-3-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-| (x4)

Solo Part Two
Guitar One
  ...................... ......................
|-0-0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0-12--0-0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0-| (x2)
 ....................     ....................
(After the second time)
 ..     ............
Chorus Three (similar to two)

Guitar One
|----------------------------------| until the end

Guitar Two
|0-------8--------0-------10-------| (x2)

Guitar Two (after you play above part twice^)
|----------------------------------| until the end

Guitar One
|-----------------------------0---0----|at the end

Guitar Two
|----------------------------0---0-----|at the end

Both Guitars
That's the end. I encourage you to figure the solo out on your own. It's the best way to
get better. Please Rate.