All Heroes

One Million and Counting

All Heroes

Picture a world where
No child is left behind
And everybody gets
To live a full life
Oh Celeste,
Don't sacrifice your body here
Hold your breath,
The doctors say they'll find a cure

The chemicals,
We'll make it work
Find the vaccine,
End the suffering

Picture a world
Where sex is not the enemy
And we can share
Our love in perfect harmony
Oh Celeste,
Don't sacrifice your body here
Hold your breath,
The doctors say they'll find a cure

The chemicals, we'll make it work
Find the vaccine, end the suffering

You and me have a disease
That no doctor in the world can cure
I know you'll be coming home
You're coming home
You're coming home

Oh Celeste,
Don't sacrifice your body here
Hold your breath,
The doctors say they'll find a cure

The chemicals, we'll make it work
Find the vaccine, end the suffering
You're coming home

Oh Celeste,
Don't sacrifice your body here
Hold your breath,
The doctors say they'll find a cure
Just hold on