Alien Faktor

Ego Death

Alien Faktor

This is the way
My mind drifts

I've had it, I've had it
I've had it up to here
I've had it, I've had it
I've had it up to here

Sights are locked in now,
Beyond the point of no return
On a one way course with death
In my mind the world will burn

And a burning pit

You never believe me
You'll never believe me, you never will

So, for now, all bets are off
All guilt absolved

I will be your whipping boy
I will be your whipping boy
I will be your whipping boy
I will be your whipping boy

For God, Jesus, Hitler,
Satan, love and war
Beat me to death and leave me on the floor

In grey mottled ecstasy
A test tube hysterectomy
An abortion post-natally
A renewal in a pool of energy