Database, can You help? I found a four Leaf clover Database,once You knew Yourself but Now you're Getting older You're not afraid To be seen Hanging out In a cold blooded(?) town Like you told me, "yeah, it would Never,in doubt,if You were Underground" Database Database, You're dragging Your feet, now You're going Slower Database, they Called you Mean but now You're getting Older You got to feed Yourserlf this drug Yeah, you might give a Lot Even though it's clear You're out of luck, I tried to cheer you up Forty, eighty, and You know you're Aways right And you never, you Never lose your Cool Always sitting there, You loved(?) your Perfect chair Against your word You're just playing By the rules Database, i Think it's time That we both Recovered Datavase, we Did our time, Now soon They'll love us Shcools out, And now it's Time to run For the Lubricant(?) Database