All days he lived, searching for the thrills feelings noone knows forgotten rites, from the darkest lands lost forever in heat of the mental draught 'cause of the few who wanted to never be known WHAT CANNOT BE CONTROLLED, SHALL NEVER BE ALLOWED does someone know, when it all begun? who could answer why so deep inside, feeling small and blind we're keeping hope, there's small piece of GOD in us but we don't search, 'cause the risk's too high TO SCARED TO SEE THE TRUTH TO SCARED TO FACE THE PROOF boundries... for faith, for thoughts for right, for wrong who dares, looks for other way boundries... for faith, for thoughts for right, for wrong how are we using the gifts, we have? so many paths, layed with broken glass leading to unknown he chose his way, mad old man and his faith and finaly the reward layed in front of him all revealed he turned back, he could not belive IT ALWAYS WAS IN SIGHT, THE SERPENT ATE HIS TAIL boundries (...)