Big black room is closing Closing on my mind Walked around it time and time See what I could find Doors they open for me Winds blow from behind Hold me back and warn me Look out for a sign But I don't hear a thing Except a distant ring Tolling bells are calling me And I will go to them When the nightmare ends And the waker sets me free Confused confrontations How long will this last Dark illusinations Hide behind their mask Shadows in the hallways Turn their true form, shape Warning that a darker day Waits when I'm awake But I don't hear a thing Except a distant ring Tolling bells are calling me And I will go to them When the nightmare ends And the waker sets me free Falling, falling - deeper and deeper How the night holds on to me Falling, falling - weaker and weaker Page the keeper, bring the key Calling, calling - over and over In this endless night of nights Yeaning, burning - running for cover Until another dawn and light