I summon the creature of darkness By the works of darkness I summon thee creature of the wastes By the rites of the wastes I summon thee creature of pain By the words of pain Ceremonial candles burn The sacrifice upon the altar She kneels in the circle To summon the ancient ones To seek their vengeance Upon the face of the eaerth To reclaim the universe Take back what once was theirs The blood has been spilt The incarnation recited Release the demon Trapped behind the gate The darkest whispers Swirling winds From the bowels of the earth Call the unholy trinity Dance of seduction My evil queen Sorceress of my desire I will do thy bidding The spirit enters her form Possession of the soul Descend to the depths Journey to ethereal realms Witchery - cast the spell Witchery - born of fire Witchery - weave the magic Witchery - ending humanity She calls upon the winds Harness the power of the beast Blackened soulless form Unlock the keys of damnation