Take me back, when the summer nights were long Worries were obsolete but my heart it felt so strong, Take me back where we just danced, First dates, ice cream, sweet romance, This 9 to 5 aint worth shit where we belong. Can you take me on a roller coaster ride? I don't wanna sleep tonight. I wanna be... everything you thought of me Three million years ago when we first met, I wanna be... the kiss you can't resist, The one you can't help but miss, the one you'll never forget. Remember the days where we had everything? Well i want it back, you can have anything. Remember the nights that felt they'd never end? Fuck the honeymoon period, that stops and those nights will start again. Can you take me on a roller coaster ride? I don't wanna sleep tonight. I wanna be... everything you thought of me Three million years ago when we first met, I wanna be... the kiss you can't resist, The one you can't help but miss, the one you'll never forget.