(I can't make it) There are some limits in human race, we must kneel Who's got our salvation, the angel or the beast? I will crucify�Oh no Vengeance is mine, shall I let it go Why something can't accept the rust of time Why are there some changes can not be undone I will purify�my wrath Voices in my head, will they set me free Hate is kind of love with more action through it That's why it's o abandoned, but not on my earth Who are these angels and the beasts, they are surrounding me Which one is by my side, I will burn them all Fate, just fate not just what you see Though we call it the things that they ought to be Infernal wisdom is just what I need You holy fools, just set me free As I lay down through the sea of blood Stars are all falling, madness is calling I wish they could have taken me to somewhere Where everybody flies with their divine spread wings Night wind is blowing, and damns me for all time I've got no sorrow, there are no regrets For what you have followed, I will grab on There is no purified escape I ride in rage and blood No matter who'd begun the world, I'll end it all