Can you make me feel like you're heaven-sent? There's a God who could say what you might've said You've avoided the quills of the porcupines Takes a brain to find out everything I wanted to say I never have slipped I'm blaming you society and everyone's lips A monitor views, a scientist lists You're beaten to a pulp by Linus' fists of death death death! Yeah, yeah yeah! Yes, yes, yes! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Do you think I'd want you to be surprised? When it's one man come here to justify You could own me like you could read my mind It's a statement filled with some extra signs I wanted to pray, I never have guilt I 'm teaching you sobriety, another glass filled A monitor's view, a scientist's list A meager frickin' part of Linus' fists of death death death! Yeah, yeah yeah! Yes, yes, yes! Yeah, yeah, yeah!