
Banner Of Blasphemy


Tom: G

>From The Album "Blacken The Angel"
Transcribed by Goatwarlock(Goatwarlock@*)

All corrections and comments welcome
This is my first tabbing of any Agatho's * tab
is half way through,and will finish * this 
one,I'll do "Near Dark" and "Tristetea Vehementa".Later
for now.
p-Palm Mute          ///-Slide
...-Play Many Times

This song takes two guitars to play both tuned down ONE step
00:00-00:25 Thunder and Rain
00:26-00:36 RIFFA1  Palm mute all the way till RIFFB

Hyperion and Sathonys play RIFFB diffrently,first clean then
with palm mute than clean * to the CD to see what
I mean.
00:37-01:12 RIFFB1

01:13-01:29 Keyboards

01:30-01:40 RIFFC1

01:41-01:50 RIFFD1

01:51-02:01 Play RIFFC

At the end of that RIFFC,guitar2 changes.I will call this extra
RIFF "RIFFC2 END" to avoid any confusion.

01:57-02:01 RIFFC2 END

02:02-02:11 Play RIFFD

02:12-03:07 Play RIFFB

03:08-03:20 RIFFE1