Against All Authority

Haymarket Square

Against All Authority

No one's gonna hold them down today they're ready to
Fight for their rights on may 3rd, 1888 chicago
Burned with the fire they lit the
Workers were on strike cause money's tight
The pigs were out and looking for a fight they
Opened fire into the crowd a worker was hit and
He went down no one's gonna hold them down no! they're gonna
Burn this fuckin' town august spies denounced capitalism but he
Urged no violence he was
Addressing a crowd of workers the
Pigs ordered him silenced a bomb was thrown and the
Sirens wailed a pig laid dead and a were jailed
That day the system failed you know it never fails if
You think you can crush these ideas that are gaining ground more each
Day if death is the penalty for proclaiming
Truth then i'll proudly and defiantly pay four
Men were sentenced to death to set
An example to all the rest who
Would dare to stand up and protest the
Injustices we all detest