After The Fire

Suspended Animation

After The Fire

Well look at me 
All safe and sound 
And both feet firmly off the ground 
What am I 
D-doing here 
The situations just unclear 

And what do you all think of that 
Don't it make you want to eat your hat 
Or will you all just 
S-stop and stare 
And watch me floating in the air 

Look at me, the strangest thing 
Like a balloon without a sting 
Or like a leaf without a tree 
Suspended there for all to see 
I'd rather be down a hole 
It's like a flag without a pole 
Perhaps I'll just float away 
And not come back another day 

Floating around is so strange 
Feet off the ground, it's so strange 
Here in the air, it's so absurd 
What can I say - I'm lost for words