Aeternal Seprium

Under Flag Of Seprium

Aeternal Seprium

Sacred ruins
Rest in the castrum
They're waiting for
Return of the lords!
By the hands
Of repugnant traitors
They're dirtied of blood
Falling in

Unglorious eras without memory
But your noble heritage
Shines behind the dark clouds
Through the time
Radiant stars of culture and
Arts you were
Obscured by who had fear
Your power and strength
Into land of middle
Crucible of men
These men have brought you
Eras of glory and a pure identity
This inflames the knights' hearts been born under your sky

Gods you have chosen
Us to make relive the ancient name
Of "contado"
We'll burn the holy flames of braves
Your descendants rides
Under flag of seprium

Brothers of the flag rise out from shadows
This is our time for make brave our deeds
With the valiant count to the head of the seprium's army
We could give back light
To the forgetfulness
And to live again a glorious new age
In proud of woods and the hills of this our beloved land
Under flag, under flag, under flag of seprium!