Borned at twilight I was baptized by the moon You thought I came from hell But by my whimper A star shinning at the north And now lighting my way I'm a savage But in me flowing blood of kings Lost descent Of the pagan gods I follow the way of warriors With torque of my neck Under oak I pray for my faith The druid read the sacred stones: Brenno rise your sword and fight Against roma In the name in the name of gallia In sign in sign of brenno We'll march in the misty morning Like ghosts we'll cross your fields With axe and sword We'll cut the eagle wings My mind remember the cries Rise out from inflamed pyres Under the flag of a false pax romana Who will pay for cruelty and agony? For too much time we live in slavery In the name in the name of gallia In sign in sign of brenno Sacred roots unite again In ancient alliance we'll marching now The horns of battle resound on this land Across great plain and land of hills we known only victory On the banks of allia forty legions silence lies Rome now I seeing your walls shine in the night But the flames of revenge impend on you Glorious brenno raised Flies toward highest sky And takes Your place among the stars Guides and save us For freedom against slavery So we'll be legend through centuries In the night of times my name will live on In the night of times the celts will live on I'm mighty brenno rome tremble under my march And fed of fear given by your same weapon With vehement fury we've come in front of you To take back what was of our fathers Glory and terror Rome! You've lavished all over world Burn! But the gold has made you blind Rome! Lady of battle Rome! You're greatest of whole world Rome! But worms have eaten your heart Rome, rome, rome, My sword has break the chains Paid to her your liberty Vae victis!