
Never Again


Thousands of soldiers conquer the east
Just one man in their mind
For him they will fight, suffer and die
Leaving destruction behind

Never again

He killed millions of men without a course
Without a course just cos they were
And still people exist who think he was right
When he did fight totally right

Millions of dollars are spent for the war
For new rockets and guns
Weapons of power easy tô serve
Armageddon will come

We will die

There will be nothing left when they have come
Rockets and guns bringing you death
When this day has come the world will break down
The rats will survive but we will be gone

Never again such terror
Never again such pain
If we don't tear out the roots
All efforts are in vain

No human being will stay alive
When the bomb has been dropped
só listen tô my cry, people of the world
The war machine's gotta be stopped

Oh, we are lost

I wait for the day, when it's too late
Then they will say, why didn't we care
No place left tô hide no weapons tô fight
Nowhere tô run and no turning back