Kids skulls getting broke Thrashers getting drunk Guy in a "Slayer" shirt Wreckin' with the Punks Acting like a lunatic Living for the day Broken bodies bloodied Get the fuck out of his way Bullet belt, high tops Skin-tight Jeans Long hairs, Punk kids Mohawks dyed green Nose smashed, bloody wreck Tearing up the gig Bar-thrashed, beer-split Finger to the pigs Moshing like a maniac Thrashing every night Set the pit ablaze, yeah? And start a friendly fight Bullet belt, high tops Skin-tight Jeans Long hairs, and Thrashers Drunk and high on weed Break-neck velocity Thrash 'til you're dead Dances like a drunken clown Elbows up-when the lights go down Stage-dive! Head first! Smashed his teeth... ... never looked what's underneath Broke his nose at an "Exodus" gig Fractured his skull And he bruised five ribs Held together by screws and pins Still can't wait 'til the mosh begins Neck-ache, break-neck Hurting everywhere Bruised rib, fat lip Vomit in his hair Skanking like an idiot Thrashing every-day Drunk-stoned psychopaths Metal is their way Bullet belt, high tops Skin-tight Jeans Long hairs, Skankers Mean moshing machine Break-neck velocity Thrash 'til your dead.