If this was a joke I'd be laughing by now Cuttin' up with the boys And braggin' bout how I talked my way Out of the trouble i was in again She kept sayin' You're gunna miss me But i never did take her seriously I guess her gift of prophecy was real amen (Chorus) Babys gone Baby aint to blame Thatd be my fault Me and my no brain Might'a took a train to Tupelo Might'a been Tulsa for all i know Talk about movin' on Babys gone I admit im the type Needs a wake-up call Sometimes you gotta hit me With a cannonball I guess baby goin' AWOL did the trick Pretty quick Now the trick is Gettin that phone If i have to call everybody she's ever known And tell'em this (Repeat chorus) If you wanted my attention You've got it now Baby, anthing Anywhere Anyhow (Repeat chorus) Thats the name of the song Babys gone