With battle won, and swords now sheathed, And thirsty from the trials they faced A local tavern greeted them With hop’s and barley’s welcome taste. The band had fought with force of gale, Their price was paid, their feats now famed. And so the men filled their pints with ale And drank to those the war had claimed. With reverence for the fallen, Amidst their drunken laughs, They’d crack another barrel Of beer on their behalf. From black of night to crack of dawn The men would drink to comrades gone. As pints are raised, remorse sinks down And so they poured another round. Reflection amid empty glasses Fell upon Elitron Crew. Where now sat sixteen somber warriors Once stood a band of twenty-two. Their victory was not without The stain of blood and wretched violence. So now once more they filled their cups, For sobriety’s a deafening silence. But memories of friends no more Form the foundations of battlelore. As pints are raised, remorse sinks down And so they poured another round. While war is bittersweet, Invoking sharp dismay, The brew is always bitter, Dependable as day. With reverence for the fallen, Amidst their drunken laughs, They’d crack another barrel Of beer on their behalf. From black of night to crack of dawn The men would drink to comrades gone. As pints are raised, remorse sinks down And so they poured another round.