Warrior: As we journeyed through the land, Searching high and low, For those who would stand against These evil men across the sea, Whose legions stood mighty and vast. We came across the tribes of valiant men, Who were able to stand and fight! To avenge our slaughtered brethren, Even if it meant their lives. “Join our ranks and let us prepare for war For our forces would be great! If our numbers are combined, I know we could change our fate. If we are to do battle and survive And defeat, this common foe. We’ll have to fight as one, Now, what say you?” Tribal Matriarch: Stranger- What care I of your suffering or your people? I have my own people’s lives to protect To attack is to die. To abide is security. You are young and reckless and know nothing of war. I know the heat of battle and the taste of blood. And you’d sacrifice my men for your ideals? Would you also suggest that I pick up the pieces? I will not call for the drums of war Warrior: Lady, I implore you to reconsider. For without your aid all hope is lost. Wait, who’s this man running towards us? Tribal Warrior: My lady, we’re under attack! This creature, whose scales are pitch black! Has run through the entire camp! Warrior: Ready your spears, your swords, and axes! For this monster, we shall destroy! Archers to positions! Men surround him! On my order….Attack! Dust starts flying, men are now screaming Charging forward, their armor gleaming Bodies falling, their blood is spraying! Men are dying, others are praying. One man stands, without flinching. In his hands, he is clinching His blade, now sharp and ready, He approaches and says… Warrior: Fiend! You shall meet your end this day! Prepare to die! Tribal Matriarch: This man has been misjudged He is valiant, brave and true Life for life and blood for blood. We’ll call for the drums of war! Vita pro vita Cruo pro cruo Vita pro vita Cruo Pro cruo As the dust cleared all the men did cheer, For he had slain the beast! Warrior: Now let us go to the nearest tavern, Where we can drink and feast! For the battle had shown all of the men, That combined their strength in arms Would defeat any armies, of any land. Warrior: Then let us fight, united as one! We shall sound the drums of war!