A cold morning, too cold for me. A sunless thirty-eight degrees. Slept on the floor and woke up late, and waking up felt like a mistake. But the girl walking this way just takes away the last 30 bad days. And the way she says "hey baby" and lilts her voice…it makes me feel ok I've been feeling alone for so long. I've been feeling alone for so long, but that disappeared today Happy to be here in New York, the center of the spinning world. It would be nice but for the lights that choke the stars out every night But it never mattered to her; she figures there'll be time much later on when we could go shut the lights off in the city and dance under the stars And it never matters to her; she figures there'll be time much later on. And the way she says "hey baby" and lilts her voice, she's dancing with my heart A cold morning, too cold for me. A sunless thirty-eight degrees. It would be nice but for the lights that choke the stars out every night did you know that I miss you? yeah, you know that I miss you