Cheta Cheta Cheta I am God And I never fail Cheta Cheta Yesterday Today and forever the same Cheta Cheta Echezokwala oh Cheta Remember Abum abum (Abum Abum) Abum abum (Abum Abum) I am Jehova (Abum Abum) And I am able (Abum Abum) Is anything too hard for me Is it ever too late for me Whatever it is Abum I'm forever the same Cheta I am God And I never fail Cheta Cheta Yesterday Today and forever the same Cheta Cheta Echezokwala oh Cheta Cheta Ah The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob (I am) Who makes the dry bone to rise again (I am) Let there be light in the world again (I am) So you can call me (I am I am) Who gives the barren a song to sing (I am) Who makes the dead rise again (I am) The first and last beginning and the end And I'm forever the same Is anything too hard for me Is it ever too late for me Whatever it is I am I'm forever the same Whatever it is Abum Whatever you need abum In every situation I am Obimo Cheta I'm bigger than what people say Obimo Cheta I'm forever the same Obimo Cheta You are not alone o You are not alone You are not alone Obimo Cheta I'm bigger than what people say Obimo Cheta I'm forever the same Obimo Cheta You are not alone Cheta Cheta I am God And I never fail Cheta Cheta Yesterday Today and forever the same Cheta Cheta Echezomena oh Cheta Cheta Cheta Echefumena oh oh Cheta Remember And never forget it at al