Baby look at here Look at here Look at here What is it dear? What is it dear? Ain't you glad You've got a babe like me That takes you at upon a jubilee? Baby look at here Look at here Look at here What is it dear? What is it dear? You won my heart that's all When you brought to the barber's ball Coons from ev'ry city At the barber's ball Gals so gay and pretty At the barber's ball Tough coons, rough coons Dead swell coons Waltzes, two-steps Ragtime tunes There ain't agoin' to be any sleep at all There ain't agoin' to be any early call Until the stars are gone Until the break of dawn We're goin' to dance At the barber's ball Baby look at here Look at here Look at here! What is it dear? What is it dear? Ain't you glad You've got a gal like me That buzzes 'round you Like a bumble bee? Baby look at here Look at here Look at here! What is it dear? What is it dear? There's coons both old and young That the little bumble bees have stung Coons from ev'ry city At the barber's ball Gals so gay and pretty At the barber's ball Tough coons, rough coons Dead swell coons Waltzes, two-steps Ragtime tunes There ain't agoin' to be any sleep at all There ain't agoin' to be any early call Until the stars are gone Until the break of dawn We're goin' to dance At the barber's ball Coons from ev'ry city At the barber's ball Gals so gay and pretty At the barber's ball Tough coons, rough coons Dead swell coons Waltzes, two-steps Ragtime tunes There ain't agoin' to be any sleep at all There ain't agoin' to be any early call Until the stars are gone Until the break of dawn We're goin' to dance At the barber's ball