FACELESSSS!... WORTHLESSSS!... these are not complaints the whinings of a fake i love the dirty smell of my caste and class slaves to work the ships the masters bleed our spines best documentary goes to the matrix high tech cattle grind eighty measures thick! ripe with cicatrix! aborted and attacked! rejoice! you are the chosen -- underclass! rise.. rise.. rise.. creeching for crack crumbs callous claws and thumbs my tormentor rapes me in return for self.. WORTH!.. WORTH!.. dog packs in the streets frozen and nothing to eat eyeing the master's house are you thinking what i'm thinking? the first reports of the flames had them at eight miles high but we measured in red states and laughed at their estimations!... eighty measures thick! ripe with cicatrix! aborted and shellacked! rejoice! you are the chosen -- underclass! rise.. rise.. rise.. burn the right.. side with their own.. lies burn the right.. side with their own.. lies burn the right.. side with their own.. lies burn the right.. side with their own.. lies!... burn the right.. side with their own.. lies burn the right.. side with their own.. lies!...