Chorus: The side of the road you take Determines the person that you make We should do all that we can To do the will of God's plan Which side of the road will you take? What kind of person will you make? Well it's time to take a stand You can live the life He's planned Which side of the road will you take? There's two sides to each road we travel Each side has an end One side leads to eternal life The other we are condemned Have you ever stopped to wonder Where you destination lies? Will you choose the path that's narrow Or will you choose the path that's wide? Repeat Chorus The road that's narrow is hard to find And few will enter in But Satan's road is easy to follow Just lead a life of sin God's provided an open door And offers it to you (just for you) So take a step of faith, my friend And find the path that's true Repeat Chorus Bridge: When all your ways acknowledge him (keeping you from sin) Then He will keep you from paths of sin (which side will you take) Repeat Chorus Which side of the road will you take? Scriptural Reference: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14