Abstract Essence

Lost Life

Abstract Essence

I live in house for dying people 
Next door stands old theatre 
Which is closed 
for too much long 
as a time as I am alone 
Beating the time by toutching memories 
Reading forgotten script 
Wrinkled face 
Ripped curtain 
No mark seen in the dirty crypt 

I am the man 
who´s never spoken a word, 
who´s never breathed fresh air 
I´m dust on old red chair 
I am the man 
who´s never seen the play, 
who´s never tried to get there 
I'm just running away 

Chorus: No more play 
I lost my way 
to change my fate 
which´s fucking grave 
I can hope 
But in blame 
Only cry 

Life has gone out of this place 
Ghosts of past cover me 
I am too old 
My life is done 
What can I do to stay alive 
Looking trough the window every hour 
Once a man now zombie 
Woken up all night 
She is my bride 
I am almost resting in grave 


No melody there in orchestra 
Dark corners occupied by spiders 
Just once say goodbye 
to the old man and his pain 
For the last time switch on the lights 
For the last time give me a chance 
Stuck up cruel fate for the last time 
Stuck up cruel fate give me the chance 

I didn´t do enything to feel better 
Never did a right step 
Didn't feel love 
Didn't feel hate 
Expecting nothing waiting for death 
Never hit me a storm 
I lose my life 
I lose my soul 
Fate is a joker and I am a worm 
Worm without privilage to existence 
Better to smash me when 
I was in womb 
The fucked tomb 
or kill me when I was in there 
From the cradle to grave everything is blacked 
Mountains of fear and shame 
Lost life I have 
Lost life I take 
Six feet under is where I´ll stay