Black worms consuming the brain Revealing the hollow skull The deformed face Putrid evil soul Where fat black worms Come out of ocular cavity Internal parts exposed Liver and intestines splashed on the floor The black heart still pulsing in his hands Black worms came out of his lung Full of fluids,that serves of shelter To the worms that grows into the Carcass!!!-Carcass!!! The flesh in decomposition Gives off a terrible smell Bringing to the vultures The hope to feed on Bones exposed-Lacerated flesh Hate on-His Soul Necessity-To feed On the flesh-Of the living Solo:"The magnificents sounds of a putrid excretion dropping to head's bore worm" By Isaac Fresh,bleeding-Pulse with life Bringing pain-To the undead That goes mad-In hate!!! That goes mad-In hate!!! Solo:"Bitches running and screaming while the undead eats and tear some vaginal skin" By Satwan