A work of art, my collection of rot A rotten census, manifest of the damned Sordid formulae of harvesting the dead Mentally degrading, socially perverted Six feet of foreplay towards my needs Archived decay - necrotic manifesto Decrypting semiology This book of the dead, a symposium indeed Celebration of flesh and bone My fascination is far gone The scriptures of the dead satisfy my curiosity So fascinating, so captivating Enigmatic paths to rigor mortis A collage of deterioration Macerated limbs are dislodged Upon tissue I viciously gorge Celebration of flesh and bone My fascination is far gone Necrotic manifesto - creating life after death Proceed with my work - surreal necrotic rampage A grisly work of rot Decrypting semiology This book of the dead, a symposium indeed Celebration of flesh and bone My fascination is long gone