
The Lord Is Enthroned As King Forever


I will show wonders in heaven above. 
And signs in the earth beneath, 
blood and fire and vapor of smoke. 
The sun shall be turned into 
darkness and the moon into blood. 
Before the coming of the great and 
notable day of the Lord . 
and it shall come to pass that 
whoever calls on the name of the Lord be saved . 
Then they will see the Son of man 
coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 
Now when the see things being to happen , 
look up and lift up your heads , 
because your redemption draws near. 
The King of glory come,
the Lord strong and almighty in battle. 
Fear him who, after he has killed , 
has power to cast into hell, 
yes I say to you, fear him. Let the God 
of may salvation be exalted.
(Dz. Ap.2;Luk.21,27,28 ; Ps. 18,29)