Chorus Law makers a break it Poor people the target Some problems them sweep it Like dust under carpet. The justice system no tek it so light Nuff youth get mash up Nuff lose dem life It mention fe a time Then it put one side Dat no right. Remember when them tek the street people them go dump Now them sitting quite easy pon them rump Them conscience want bury cause it stink like skunk Them judgment. Chorus repeat… Sometimes we have to wake up the ant's nest And don't give a damn who want vex A them mek the law and a them break it That a foolishness. Fe corrupt ghetto youths that a Babylon style Cold blooded murderers and some alibis False statements cover up them lies, lies. Chorus repeat… You never know where the wind blows You never know, you never know. One day the dust will get exposed Then you deeds will show. Why you waste time put your finger inna ink? Politics promises gone as you blink Yow ghetto youth yu fe know who unu link Corruption ship must sink. Government and them nice fancy speech They don't practice what they preach Them inside dirty though them outside clean Them disguising. Chorus repeat…