A Rocket To The Moon

The One Thing

A Rocket To The Moon

Is this the best that, that you can do, she said under her breath, then she walked away.

I miss the thing's that she never really did but to me those were the best times even if they weren't mine.
I'm learning thing's I never knew about you.

If there were anything I could do to make this up to you, take my hand never let you fall, let you fall again.
If there were anything I could say to bring you back this way making promises to break fix the mess that i have made.

And now there's, there's something i wish that I could tell you but now I'm losing my grip and i am falling for you.
for now lets take this slow, oh i can let you go.

If there were anything i could do to make this up to you take my hand never let you fall, let you fall again.
If there were anything i could say to bring you back this way making promises to break fix the mess that i have made.

I wonder why our lies because the one thing that she shared, i wondered why our lies became the one thing that we shared.

I wish that i could see you.

I wonder why our lies because the one thing that she shared, I wondered why our lies became the one thing that we shared.

If there were anything I could do to make this up to you take my hand never let you fall, let you fall again.
If there were anything I could say to bring you back this way making promises to break fix the mess that i have made.

If there were anything I could do to make this up to you take my hand never let you fall, let you fall again.
If there were anything i could say to bring you back this way making promises to break fix the mess that I have made.

"Isso é o melhor que, que você pode fazer", ela disse abaixo da sua respiração, e daí ela foi embora.

Eu sinto falta de coisas que você nunca realmente fez, mas para mim esses foram os melhores tempos, mesmo que eles não tenham sido meus.
Eu estou aprendendo coisas que eu não sabia sobre você.

E se houver alguma coisa que eu possa fazer para consertar isso com você, pegue minha mão, nunca te deixar cair, nunca te deixar cair novamente.
E se houver alguma coisa que eu puder dizer para te trazer de novo desse jeito, fazendo promessas para quebrar, consertando a bagunça que eu fiz.

E agora há, agora há algo que eu desejo poder te falar, mas agora eu estou perdendo o controle e caindo por você.
E agora, vamos com calma, oh, eu não consigo te deixar ir.

(repete refrão)

Eu me pergunto por que nossas mentiras, por que a única coisa que ela dividiu, eu me pergunto por que nossas mentiras se tornaram a única coisa que dividimos.

(repete refrão duas vezes)