We keep running back down this old torn down path. Just cross out my heart Leave it alone, Erase it off your long list of targets Can't you see that I just want you to get away from me? I can't protect myself from you because I love you But that's all about to change The only place I want us to go is opposite directions All I want is to never see your face again If you must know, yes you really did mean everything to me But now the only attention that you are going to get from me is when the guns in my hand and your in clear view. You created all my bad memories. This is the beginning of the end of you. Preach your words, I'll shove my fist down your lying throat Nothing you say matters We'll all wind up dead in the end So if I shove this conversation into your ear, would it stay locked up inside or gracefully slip out the other side? Or is your mind too lost to ever comprehend that death is chasing you And you're getting exhausted. Raise your right hand and what's the point, you can't keep a commitment Stick out your misleading tongue and I'll rip it out, your words always hurt me You better brace yourself It's too late The bullets sunk in The dagger has stabbed The cyanide slipped in I'm never talking to you again