A House

I Lied

A House

When I said 
When I said that I loved you 
I lied 

When I said 
When I said that I need you 
I lied 

To get what I so richly deserve 

When I said 
When I told you that you were my best friend 
I lied 

When I said 
When I swore that I won't hurt you 
I lied 

To get what I to get what I so richly deserved 

Because I 
I even lied to myself 
The truth is so often dull and uninspired 
Dull and uninspired 

I sit back and I make it all up 
I sit back and I make it all up in my make-believe chair 

I'm the only one that gets hurt 
I'm the only one that gets hurt 
I'm the only one that gets hurt 

When I said, when I said 
When I said, when I found 
I don't love you anymore 
I lied, I lied, I lied 
I adore you 

When I said, when I need you 
I want you, I'll stay with you 
In sickness and health, for richer or poorer 
I lied, I lied, I lied, I lied 
And I will lie again 

So when I say, when I say 
When I say, when I say 
I put you before even life itself 
I lied, I lied, I lied 
For I am still alive 

To get what I 
To get what I so richly deserve 

Because I 
I even lied to myself 
The truth is so often 
Dull and uninspired 
Dull and uninspired