Wont' drown, won't drown, won't drown.. I won't cry, don't bug me, the ball won't drown in the river Exclusive from Versace doesn't mean anything anymore Knock-knock, hi, it's me, key got lost in my pocket Lips on lips, melting.. won't deceive, won't deceive.. Love has loaded up the rain-guns Love has loaded-up this cold summer I don't mind; don't mind, your summer's passing by Lighter's click, rain-guns... We're not allowed to mourn, my train is on ropes Hello summer, without you Summer rain drops loudly spread apart On glass stations windows, on the windows Missing the heart, missing the heart Love has loaded up the rain-guns Love has loaded-up this cold summer I don't mind; don't mind, your summer's passing by Lighter's click, rain-guns... Love has loaded up the rain-guns Love has loaded-up this cold summer I don't mind; don't mind, your summer's passing by Lighter's click, rain-guns... She's like: "Well I think we'd better break up and stuff.." I'm saying, "What's wrong?" "Well.. I don't want to talk about it…" And I'm like, "Well OK, I'm leaving.. Walk with me.." When we were already heading out, I decided to go by bus to Krasnodar. And we're walking and chatting.. And she says, "Well there's lots of things you don't know about.. I lied to you all this time.. While you were coming and going I was dating two other guys.." There. And her girlfriends, that were also there with us, they knew everything too… When I remember the way they were looking at me, smiling.. I'm thinking sh*… I'm like "Whatever." And I take the bus, and leave. Then she sends me poems… Love, love.. I don't mind.. Rain, rains..