God's building work Society of thougt London opium Stomach ashe Lady straddle my scalpel know what we've in a bright chasm Pentagram Town, your prostitute's god's Darling, tonight she's giving birth to our pain We're in a bright Chasm this is a new bright night when the blood suckles gargoils I want it to flood The sky and bath the stars in a supreme shame Bowel, womb, breast, liver, kidney I am god's will power I'm in raptures over Some delicious keep sakes Prince of the Princes a green stone adorn your brow It's a reward for the strong men who dare kill the death Who dares kill the death? Know that we've in a bright chasm Pentagram town, your prostitute's god's darling Tonight she's giving birth to our pain We're in a bright Chasm This is a new bright night yeaah!