How to produce a club track today Just follow the instructions And you'll be an electronic music producer In no time Step number 1 Open you crap software And import a Random loop Like this (this...) Now you need a phat ass drop (Phat ass Drop) Here comes the clap (clap) Phaat ass drop Military drums Don't forget some levels Now and then use the clash Snare drums can't get enough Okay now we need some phat distortion More distortion I said more distortion Time for another phat ass drop Make some noise with stadium hornes Take out the base drum Break down Hi hats Now it's the time for a brake Stop the beats Get some keys And call it melody (turururuuu) Now add some vocal cuts Like this (this...) And one more phat ass drop (EPIC DROP) Military drums (STILL EPIC) Now create a facebook page And post this crap