I see the power of religion in the sway of her butt, worlds collide and empires fail for the love of this slut. Santa Maria in Azzedine Alia pouring gasoline on the sacred fire, man if she were a car, she'd be an E-type jaguar, SHE'S A TRASH MADONNA. AN ICON OF SLEAZE, A TRASH MADONNA, A PORNO-MYTHEATING TASTEE FREEZE. Helen of Troy in a wet T-shirt, pagan demolition in a micro skirt. Mystery girl, babylon's whore, Delilah with a chainsaw busting down the door. Come on baby let's get wrecked, lose what's left of our self respect. God created woman and the Devil made her bad, girls can confuse but only women drive you mad. TRASH MADONNA, AN ICON OF SLEAZE, TRASH MADONNA, A PORNO MYTH EATING TASTEEE FREEZE. Freeze frame Venus, pause and unload. sex magic on the carpet, think of Brigitte Bardot Temptation under tungsten, someone send for Moses, the golden calfs throwing cheesecake poses......... marooned in perpetual adolescence skewered on the stiletto heel at Astarte Syriaca. the bitch Goddess.