Zita Swoon

Jintro And The Great Luna

Zita Swoon

Jintro Sarto's got them blues again 
Right in the corner of his eye 
Eases his metal minding heart on cherry beer 
Tellin' crap sidewalk stories 
Tryin' to get back in the middle of the road 
I says we're halfway there 
Man, I don't care 
I don't give a shit 
And I never will 
Jintro and the great luna 
And a broken man and a wronged wife 
A twisted soul 
And one more call for alcohol 
Mingo mango 
This is the day of doom 
Spit your fire 
I'll go down soon 
But ain't you gonna tell me what you 
Want me to do about wantin' you 
Oh, baby 
What ya want me to do 
Jintr Sarto got them blues again 
Oh, baby, every morning in my head the 
Skies are sad and the sun comes up 
And blinds my eyes from behind 
Jintro's mad, Jintro's sad 
Jintro's got a broken head 
Jintro's wants a cigarette 
Takes his broken min to bed 
Now I'm going, now I'm dead 
Oh, baby, I wish we never met