I don't know why I can't shake this Feel like I've been living life in the matrix I don't even feel alive it don't make sense I just wanna be alright I fucking hate this Tell me when's it gonna change Cause every single person keeps saying the same thing Stay strong now you'll make it through the pain But its hard to see the sun when you're living in the rain I barely know my dad now his hair's all grey Cause I spent all of my time doing drugs, trynna fade Out all of the demons when I couldn't get away I never said I love you instead I would say I hate All this time gone that I can't get back Feel like every single night I'm just living in the past I lie and say I'm happy every single time I'm asked I don't wanna be a burden so I just put on a mask Forty-Thousand people telling me I can't quit I promise that I'm fighting just keep praying that I win Still got a lot of things that I still keep in And I need to let them go I don't know where to begin I used to watch my pap slap my gram and he'd laugh as she ran And I didn't understand the man was so bad So I treated him better than I did my own dad I was so damn young I didn't understand I seen shit that a kid never should I bottle it all up and act like I'm good Reality is I'm just so fucking shook I feel like an outcast so misunderstood I miss being young Back when I didn't have problems, just fun Back before I had to worry about funds Now to feel that way I gotta get drunk I'm still stuck in this rut Honestly feel like I'll never be up I'm sick of this feeling I swear that it's fucked I need to make changes reality sucks Still don't know who I am I look in the mirror like: Who is this man? I still have no clue of my purpose or path But something keeps telling me that I should rap So I keep moving Took all my pain and then started a movement I swear to you all that this is more than just music I put all my life into all that I'm doing I can't let the fans down Gotta stick to the plan now And hope it all pans out I don't know how but I know this my path now Sacrificing my life Turning down friends just to stay in and write I'm watching them live as I'm sitting behind And I just keep on drowning but say that I'm fine Feel like I'm alone I got all these problems and nobody knows Everything changing I hate that I know I used to be happy but now I'm so cold Cause home isn't home I just keep on running don't know where to go These demons keep coming I hope I don't fold I risk my whole life for this path that I chose