Lonely candle in the darkness Precursor of insight yet to come Flickering flame lights the circle Drawn with blood of my body and soul Lonely candle in the night Invoke the symbols of eternity Lest let this spirit rise From the ashes of our kingdom And in this nightside eternally open The gates to an empire of shadows Sorcery prevails To whisper to the light that's gone Let holiness decay Let Christ's teachings burn Under this pale moonlight Under my burning ritual No longer shall I see the light of day Lest gaze upon the torment of the sun Cold winds endow my frozen blood And I welcome it Embracing the darkness And in this nightside eternally open The gates to an empire of shadows Sorcery prevails To whisper to the light that's gone Let holiness decay Let Christ's teachings burn Under this pale moonlight Under my burning ritual The morning star grows a majestic blue Witchcraft again awakens