Branded a school trained no-hoper full stop un regle was flung at the left wing of my brain Branded a school trained no-hoper full stop when the Chaucer enforcer only used my decond name Gleavey is easily distracted by thoughts of famous footballers his head is like a malleted stump somewhere between Aldi and Anfield The headmasters bootboys blocking out the summer the javelin went in one ear and out the other the only love on show was some erected athlete we hardly got a kick in so we drifted off to sleep Soon there was loads of us kicking away unseen cut off from barbers and sex appeal Soon there was loads of us, nomadic nomarks humming vicious pop songs on a washed out field Gleavey is easily distracted by thoughts of famous murderers his head goes up and down like Charlie Manson's wah wah steering well clear of young musician of the year