Go into a scene, Ignorance and greed, Dominance is a poor excusion Mother is a queen, Father was obscene always never meant to be Now I spend my time goin all around For my man was no where to be found Did i find him? Never going, stop searching, Going to find my man, Gonna travel around Cus I'm a wrathchild Wrathchild, I'm a wratchild, Gonna get you, oh yeah Say it was the man, Nothing left for me Nothing in the destination Now I got to find Soon as I can mind Or else I'll just go crazy Now I spend my time goin all around For my man was no where to be found Did i find him? Never going, stop searching, Going to find my man, Gonna travel around Cus I'm a wrathchild Wrathchild, I'm a wratchild, Gonna get you, oh yeah