Jesus died on the cross for me Jesus died and set me free He paid the price for me I Love Him He Gave me breath of life He woke me up this morning I'm alive because of him I Love Him Thank you Lord for strength Thank you Lord for wisdom Thank you Lord for your words He's the reason why I am living The reason why I'm singing The reason why I'm alive He's The Reason He's the reason why I'm talking Walking, moving and dancing He's The Reason why I'm living He's The Reason They pierced the nails through his hands They placed the thorns upon his head He suffered and died for us I love Him For this I'll give him praise For this I'll exalt his name For this I will always Praise Him I Love Him Thank you Lord for understanding Thank you Lord for dying For me He's the reason why I am living The reason why I'm singing The reason why I'm alive He's The Reason He's the reason why I'm talking Walking, moving and dancing He's The Reason why I'm living He's The Reason Your wonderful, glorious, holy and righteous Victorious conqueror triumphant and mighty He's so wonderful I can see I can hear I can read I can write Because of you He's the reason why He's the reason why I am living The reason why I'm singing The reason why I'm alive He's The Reason He's the reason why I'm talking Walking, moving and dancing He's The Reason why I'm living He's The Reason He's the reason why I am living The reason why I'm singing The reason why I'm alive He's The Reason