Invinsible hatred i beg thee not to let me free I wish to lose myself in thy darkness This cursed sorrow which lives on in me Shall be hidden within thy sarcasms Let me walk the earth and trample all it's life Let me be the last being watching all die Standing proud in a life of contradictions As i laugh while i wish to cry By my own words i am forsakened Sinking in unbroken patterns of rejection Circling down to a state of hate So pure and true that all else fades No mistakes made for i cannot regret Still a lie it would be to say i am content I became truly evil when all hope left And the present condition makes rage suit me best On a journey away from light and warmth I desire to kill all the rest I show no weakness and i have none Yet i wonder what i gain I reject the world on principle And let my nihilism reign I crave none and give the same I spit on all which have a name I blame none but hate them all Convince me wrong then convince a wall For i have no soul or purpose To my peace there are no doors