I Just remember back even in the beginning Just having peace that this is what God Wanted us to Us and that this is What God made you for And just having that peace that even though We had so many unanswered questions that we didn't know Exactly what we were doing That I Man God was with us He would help us, you know Would help figure it out And he's just been connecting the dots Man ever since he got told me Until today You know you can look back in the rear View and it's easy to see oh, yeah okay now God's not faithful you know he's brought Us this far and we're just getting started It's one thing that you if you Could time travel and just pop up and You and I are in the parking lot of [?] On break after working rich you know And you can knock on the window and just Encourage you know 17 Christians [?] It's gonna work [?] Yeah Go all in That's crazy It did work did it Think about it [?] Like it's gonna work [?] It's pretty incredible How many millions of people have Australian millions we have streamed Your songs Across all platforms tens of millions And that's resulted in people giving Being encourage you to walk growing into Faith you know having the courage to Witness or to be bold for Jesus The world will know that God be found