Zane Williams

99 Bottles

Zane Williams

Tom: E

           A                                               B7
Well, on a day hot enough to make the devil cuss, I walked into a bar so thirsty I was spittin' dust
E                                                 A                           E
Barkeep asked me, "Well, what'll it be?" I asked "What do ya got?", he said, "Well, let's see.."
       A                                         B7
We got Lonestar, PBR, Rolling Rock, Shiner Bock, Moosedrool, O'douls, Hefe-Weizen, Zeigenbock
E                                                  A             E           
Keystone, Coors Light, course we've got Redstripe, Amstel, Amsterdam in the tall can.
A                                                  B7
Michelob, Miller Lite, Guinness by the pint glass, Doppleboch Lager, take a swaller cause it's going fast
E                                       A                       E
Oatmeal stout and a lot a Leinenkugals, open up your wallet, no time to be frugal
        A                               B7 
There's 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer,
E                                           A
Take one down pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall

             A                                          B7
Well, needless to say I was pretty impressed, as he handed me an ice cold beer from a chest
E                                 A                           E
Said not bad for a Hole-in-the-wall. Barkeep grinned, said "That ain't all!"
        A                                  B7 
We got Rio Grande, River Rock, Tecate with the twist top. Dos Perros, Dos Equis, Foster if you're Aussie.
E                                  A                                  E
Bud Light in the new Zane Williams Koozie, a dozen wheat beers on tap if you're choosy!
        A                                               B7
Got Heinekin, Killians, Labatts and Becks, ice cold Corona with the limes in the neck
E                                    A                                 E
Yuengling chillin' with the old Milwaukee's Best, Sam Adams and that ain't even half of the rest of them
      A                     B7
98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer!
E                                            A
Take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall