Gather round all you ghosts and spirits outcasts of my town Let me share the pain with you there is plenty of it all around Oh how men they grow unhappy and streets are not filled with parades. Triggers an emotion that binds you into the darkness and anger leads you to love, to concentrate on better days. Sunlight comes for just a little while Hello how nature greets Cold colours set the swans up high Beauty where a river and a sea will meet. Risen from the icy ground, dead leaves mesmerize Builds up inside a force that can blind you or a blessing that will ease your mind. Come along my love I really wanna show you the Darklands overthere where The dimming of the day is only the beginning where darkness fills the air. If I just close my eyes this time and give my self to you Would you inspire me, encourage me and tell me that I am really doing allright. Let us not bow to the light in the south Oh lord how great thou art! Narrow way to the harbour of love, guided by the northern star where our souls escape for your heaven is fake For heavens sake do we ever make mistakes? and follow the light into the fire Is This What You Want From Life Right from the start I wonder into obscurity Unwilling to change my direction I found a fool in me left all my chances wide open, open up the burning gates Questions they grow like darkness on a yard of the Castle of Light where... Trees grow higher in a wedding parade Bride is looking over her shoulder in dismay Trembling with a feeling of love and second thoughts Nothing is eternal but something hits the time.